Marisa Martins

Here To Help

Why documentary family photography?


In “A Day in the Life” sessions

nothing is staged or directed

Every day there are little moments that define us as a family, small things, small gestures that have a whole lot of meaning, but more often than not, and without us even realizing, get lost in our daily routine.

These are precisely the routines that I want to capture and preserve forever. During documentary family sessions “A Day in the Life” nothing is staged or directed– which means that any photograph is a glimpse into a real moment aim to capture the family’s true essence: their routine, meals, outings, car rides, grocery shopping, laundry, the kids’ activities... every single expression, with all the mood swings and dynamics that are so characteristic of real life. Documentary family session save up memories of the kids just as they are, growing up right here and right now, watching and capturing, through my eyes, the precise moment the family is living.


I want to show a different perspective on your daily life.

I want to document what is authentic and emotional, and how your story starts at home, you don't need to do anything different than what you usually do in your day to day.

I want you to just live your life, your routine and I will record how interesting and rich it is.

I will do what your family always does, be it breakfast, going to the market, walking in the forest, cooking, reading with the children, exactly as they always do. 

I aim to tell your story, which is unique, I don't look for the perfect enlightenment, nor the scenery of a certain place, much less a certain pose.

I want to document in your home and in places that are important to you and your family.

I wish to take family photos that are honest, with their unique beauty, which is sometimes difficult to see, the beauty and magic of the chaos I seek is what made me fell in love with family documentary photography

I’m going to register memories of things you do in places where you live with the clothes you usually wear, at this stage of your life, in a genuine perspective.

I know that these photos will make you feel what your life was like more than just seeing what it was like.

Collect moments not things!

(Unknown author)

We’ll be so happy to talk about the information and sessions prices, send us a message.